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Relationships – Should I stay or Should I go

All of us can relate to this topic in one form or another. The current living generations are twice removed from The Cleavers.

I myself married and divorced three times, have become an expert at calling it quits, and not so much in the category of sticking it out.

There are relationships in my life that I do “Stick It Out for” Those being relationships with my immediate family, my children, parents, and siblings. Once upon a time marriages use to work the same way, through thick and thin, sickness and in health, until death do us part. That no longer seems to be the case in our world where meeting new potential partners is as simple as jumping online and searching for a good fit.

I can say that after three attempts at Happily Ever After I have finally figured it out, and after trying on many “SHOES” I have found the perfect fit, the one that I will never throw away no matter how beaten and tattered they become. I am a believer that there is not only one soulmate for each person, but there are several individuals with the potential of being your perfect mate.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you just aren’t sure


1. Your partner is your best friend. You're 110% yourself, you feel free, and enjoy the little things in life together.

2. Your partner is the one you want next to you in your deepest, darkest moments.

3. You're capable of being away from each other, but neither of you like it one bit.

4. Your partner is your #1 choice for the person you want with you when you splurge on your favorite treat, watch an embarrassing television show, or forget your manners at the dinner table because you're too exhausted that day.

5. The two of you compromise with each other. You don't always get your way.

6. You care about his or her needs more than your own.

7. You both know that throughout life you might change and grow, but you'll always change and grow together. Life is about enjoying the stages with each other.

8. When something happens—terrible, exciting or completely insignificant—he or she is always the first person you want to tell.

9. He or she balances you out, and you do the same. Where one is weaker, the other is stronger.

10. You know that no matter what, he or she will always stand by you and be on your side.

Bonus: You both take a moment, every day, to think about just how lucky you are to have found your most perfect person on this earth.


  1. Your trust is broken time & time again

  2. The situation makes you feel badly about yourself

  3. The relationship has lowered your self esteem

  4. You are unable to think of the last time you were genuinely happy

  5. The relationship is not 50:50

  6. You don’t feel like you can openly express your opinion

  7. Promises are never followed through on

  8. People want you to change into something that you are not

  9. When words never match actions

  10. When the other person is too needy

  11. No Intimacy either outside or inside the bedroom

  12. Only connection is on a physical level

May you find the LOVE your heart DESIRES ~ Sue

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